Iceland Airwaves in Reykjavík
Iceland Airwaves is a rock pop electro festival in Reykjavík.
All concerts take place in the city-center in 8 differents areas.
Moreover 200 groups perform during this festival in front of 7000 to 8000 spectators each day.

Thorrablót is a viking festival.
During one month, in restaurants or at home, icelandic eat traditional vikings meals like, sheepmeat, rye bread or whale meat…
This is an event where icelandic sing and dance !

Winter Lights Festival
Winter Lights Festival take place in february in Reykjavík.
This festival is the most important event in the capital.
In many areas in the city, a lot of street performances, entertainment for children, exhibitions, workshops, dance performances or film screenings are organised.

National Day
Before 1944, Iceland belonged to Danish krone.
Now, each 17th of june, icelandics celebrate this party with official ceremonies ; parades, street theaters.
There is also a picnic organised in the site of Thingvellir, where was founded the first democratic parliament.
2 to 6 november 2016
4 to 7th of February
17th of June