What To Pack
A trip in Iceland, it’s an adventure towards a relatively cold destination, situated next to the polar circle. Even if the negative temperatures are not that important we imagine, temperatures remain low throughout the year.
In Summer, temperatures can vary between 0° and 20° Celsius and in winter between 0° and -20° Celsius. The weather is very changeable and it is not uncommon to scroll through the 4 seasons in only one day 8 The rain and wind are the two enemies to fight with windproof clothing, warm and waterproof.
Iceland is a very natural destination, most of the clothes must be adapted to walking more or less prolonged, sturdy shoes, loose and comfortable clothing, warm and waterproof. Avoid unnecessary umbrella with the wind ! Similarly evening clothes or too primed will not be very useful during your stay.
Do not underestimate the power of the sun : sunscreen and sunglasses to accompany you, as the swimsuit if you hope to enjoy the hot springs.
In this country, the observation of animals is easy, birds, whales (in excursions only), but also reindeer and Arctic fox, bring binoculars and a camera with a good zoom. In winter it is possible to see the Northern lights, so it would be better to bring equipment to protect your camera from the cold.
You can also buy all the equipment directly on site, bur the prices will be higher. The woolen items are of excellent quality and are perfect for protection from the cold.
To put in your suitcase :
A headband for the night to keep out the midnight sun in summer
A camera and binoculars
A swimsuit to enjoy the hot springs
Camping equipment in the summer to visit inlands
Gaiters and anti-slip soles in winter
Sunscreen, lip balm and moisturizer
Gloves, hat and scarf
A warm jacket, windproof and waterproof
Warm clothing fleece or wool
Hiking shoes
Your prescriptions if you are traveling with a lot of pharmaceuticals
Your driving license if you want to rent a vehicle and a road map
A notebook and pen to put in writing your travel impressions